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4 Ways Anyone Can Design a Custom Engagement Ring

  • By Admin
  • 10 Oct, 2020
Elegant Engagement Ring — Houston, TX — Marla’s Gem Creations

Do you want to enhance your romantic proposal with a custom-designed engagement ring? While most people agree that this is an excellent way to give real meaning to the ring, it can also be a daunting task for those who aren't familiar with jewelry design.

If you're hesitant to attempt ring customization on your own or feel you lack the know-how to do so, there's good news. You have many ways to get the help you need to make a great ring. Here are a few tips anyone can use.

1. Find a Jeweler Who Matches You

The biggest ally in designing the perfect ring is a custom jeweler who matches your style and aesthetic. If you have a more eclectic style, look for a designer whose inventory and portfolio includes intriguing and one-of-a-kind styles. If you prefer simple jewelry, look for designs that are clean and minimalist.

A good jewelry designer, of course, can adjust to fit the needs of their clients. But if you aren't sure what you're doing, having a pro who is on the same page as you from the beginning is particularly helpful.

2. Look Around for Inspiration

You don't have to come up with the entire ring design out of your own imagination. Today's clients have a plethora of ways to find inspiration or a foundation to start with. Take a look on the internet, on social media, and in magazines to see what you find appealing about existing rings.

Rather than get too caught up in the overall look of example jewelry, focus on individual elements. Which metal colors do you like? Do you prefer large or small settings? How large is too large for a diamond? Do you like the simplicity of one and the Art Deco style of another? Keep track of these small inspirations and use them to give your jeweler something to start with.  

3. Talk With Your Partner

Unless the proposal is a total surprise, you may want to consider talking rings with your partner. It will, after all, be them that wears the ring forever. Let them know you want to design a special piece for them, but don't feel the need to go into specific details. Then, the two of you can talk about general features like metals, motifs, complexity, or gem size. This lets you have more confidence that they'll love what you design.  

If you don't want your partner to know about your plans at all, talk with those who know them well - often a sibling, best friend, or parent.

4. Focus on a Key Element

If you're not confident in your ability to design the entire ring from scratch, focus on one or two particular features you want to make special. This is particularly useful if you like many of the sample styles you see in the jewelry store cases but want to put your personal stamp on your partner's ring.

While it may not be cost-effective to alter a mass-produced ring, choosing a base style for your design does most of the work for you. All you would need to do, then, is to add your custom feature - such as a different color gem stone, a different motif, or a new setting.

Designing a custom ring can be less stressful than you think. The key is to look around for sources of help - from the jeweler you choose to the samples in the store - and then add your own touches. At Marla's Gem Creations, we can help. Make an appointment today to learn more about our customization services and the options available no matter how much or how little you want to create.
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