Blog Post

How to Buy an Engagement Ring on a Budget

  • By Admin
  • 07 Feb, 2020
Diamond Ring In Jewelry Box Vintage Style — Houston, TX — Marla’s Gem Creations

Just because you have limited financial resources doesn't mean you can't get a beautiful engagement ring. Here's how to buy an engagement ring that your future fiancé will love while sticking to a budget.

1. Choose an Affordable Band

The first decision when you purchase any jewelry of this nature is whether you want a silver- or gold-colored band. Both are equally elegant, but many people have a preference for one over the other. Go with whichever hue your fiancé prefers and then, choose an affordable metal with that coloring.

If your fiancé wants a silver-colored band, there are several budget-friendly options. Sterling silver is the most affordable metal that's considered a precious metal, but you can also choose an alternative metal that still has a color similar to that of silver, such as stainless steel. Stainless steel rings aren't as coveted as silver ones, but the metals look similar and stainless steel is highly affordable.

Other alternative metals that have a silverish hue include tungsten and titanium. These might cost more than stainless steel, but they could still be within your budget. Platinum also looks similar, but it's a precious metal and typically costs far more than sterling silver.

If you want to get a gold-colored band, you'll need to look at true gold rings. Some of these options may be outside of your budget, but others will be within your budget because gold comes in a range of quality. For an affordable choice, look at 9K and 10K yellow gold options. Although these are on the lower end of the quality spectrum, they'll still be beautiful.

2. Get a Colored Gemstone

Although a clear diamond may be the traditional stone for an engagement ring, it's far from the only option. There are many other gemstones you can use, including an array of colored ones. Everything from sapphires, rubies, and emeralds to colored diamonds look great on an engagement ring.

In most cases, colored gemstones (including colored diamonds) cost less than traditional clear diamonds because clear diamonds are in higher demand. These alternative stones look just as gorgeous, though, and they let you personalize an engagement ring to your fiancé's specific tastes.

And if you would rather not, you don't need to tell your fiancé that finding a unique, personalized stone for them actually saved you money.

3. Focus on What's Visible to the Eye

Gemologists and jewelers grade diamonds and colored gemstones according to the 4 C's. These are:

    • Cut
    • Color
    • Clarity
    • Carat

    These categories are useful to a point, for they do influence how good a gemstone looks. When they grade stones, however, gemologists will get to a point where they assess quality based on features that aren't visible to the naked eye. They put a stone under the microscope to look at the quality of its most minute traits.

    As a budget-oriented buyer, you should appreciate the 4 C's for what they're worth to you. Tell the jeweler whom you work with that you want something that looks good per these categories, but that you aren't worried about the smallest impurities.

    You only need a stone that looks good to the naked eye, for (hopefully) no one will put your fiancé's finger under a microscope to assess their stone. You won't see impurities that are only visible under a microscope, and you can get a lower price on a stone that has such impurities because it won't be graded as highly as gemstones that are perfect under a microscope.

    If you need help finding an engagement ring for your fiancé and want to stick to a budget, contact Marla's Gem Creations.

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