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6 Unusual Gemstones for a Unique, Custom Engagement Ring

  • By Admin
  • 08 Oct, 2019

For centuries, romantic hopefuls have asked for their lover's hand in marriage with the gift of a diamond engagement ring. While diamond engagement rings are still the most popular type of engagement ring, other surprising and stunning gemstones are finding their way into modern engagement ring settings.

From dazzling opal to flirty morganite, gemstones come in a wide variety of colors, brilliance, and opacity. What's more, they can usually be cut to mimic popular diamond cuts, such as round, princess, emerald, marquise, and cushion.

1. Morganite

Ranging from pale pink to a deeper bluish pink, morganite is a truly brilliant gemstone that creates a flirtatious, feminine engagement ring. The stone's subtle color is caused by manganese traces within. Morganite was first discovered in 1910 in Madagascar.

Morganite is beautiful enough as a solitaire, but you can also place it in a setting with diamonds and/or deeper-hued stones for a multi-faceted effect.

2. Ruby

A little on the expensive side, rubies create an arresting, luxurious engagement ring due to the deep, rich red color. Rubies are among the hardest stones, which means they stand up to a lot of wear and tear. This makes them perfect for women who work with their hands a lot.

When shopping for rubies for your custom engagement ring, you can expect a wide variety of color and clarity. The deepest, darkest rubies fetch the highest price, as do those extracted from certain mines.

3. Pearl

While they are not as durable as other gemstones, pearls offer a metallic, pearlescent look that's iconic and easily recognized. Perfect for antique settings, pearls are timeless, classic, beautiful, and understated. This makes them a favorite among women who have a sophisticated, classic style.

Since pearls scratch easily, they should be set within harder gemstones or protected by the setting in some way, especially if the ring is going to be worn daily.

4. Amethyst

Resplendent in royal purple, amethyst is a beautiful stone that is full of sparkle and light. The purple color looks stunning in a silver setting with small diamonds as accents. It's also a fairly durable stone, which makes it ideal for an engagement ring.

The better the cut, the more brilliant an amethyst will look. For this reason, it is important to discuss the cut with your jeweler. Multi-faceted cuts are usually best for this gemstone.

5. Tourmaline

Available in a variety of colors, including green, blue, red, yellow, pink, and brown, tourmaline can be a solid-colored stone or a multi-colored one. Tourmaline stones also often change color, depending on the type of light they're in. All in all, tourmaline is a durable stone that offers endless possibilities for a custom engagement ring.

Since tourmaline comes in so many variations, choosing the right stone is often the most difficult part of crafting a ring using this gemstone.

6. Labradorite

Available in black, brown, and blue, labradorite is a multi-hued mineral that will create a truly unique engagement ring. The stone is regarded as magical and special, which makes it the perfect token of your affection. The stone is most often placed in oversized settings with very few accents.

The brilliance of this stone varies. Therefore, it's important to carefully select the stone and the cut to achieve the look you want.

If you're looking for a unique, custom engagement ring that perfectly suits your lover's personality and sense of style, speak to one of the jewelry designers at Marla's Gem Creations to discuss the possibilities. Not only do colorful gemstones create a beautiful engagement ring, but they make a truly individual piece that your loved one will treasure for decades to come.

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